Name : Mohammad Haikal Ibnu Haruddin
Alter Ego : Kal, Eeykal, Heykal, Hyekal, Eagle, Abang Koop, Alpha Castello 3
DoB : 1st June 1994
PoB : Hospital Besar Ipoh (now known as Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun)
Sibling : 6 (I am the last one from the six)
School : SKJP (2001-2006)
SMKKPPI (2007-present)
Status : IN a Relationship
Hobbies : Onlining FB, Surfing internet to find more info and general knowledge, writing islamic calligraphy,
reading novel, thinking, helping people (as long as I can)
Dislike : let me speak malay, aku benci penipu, backstabber, talam dua muka, pengkhianat, tak tepat janji,
gedik, poyo, PLAYBOY, sombong (boleh terjun lombong la). hahahaa
Quotes : "I dare to face anyone no matter who are you ."
"You may forget me but not my name"
"Cow is better than 1000 Cowards . May the eyes of cowards never sleep even when I've gone"
Ambition : Become a teacher/counselor